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KRUMP in Taiwan 2k18

Taiwan just had its annual KRUMP OF TAIWAN [KOT] 2k18 event and it was a major success! There were many Krump dancers from the Philippines and Japan--and for this year, the KOT organizers, brought over Beast aka Baby Tight Eyez, an American Krumper from California who is a leader in the movement, and one of the best internationally. The organizers also invited Adrum and HaxXyb aka Twin Beast, both leaders of the movement in the Philippines, and Triggers from Japan, who is a leader in his home country.

Krump is still a relatively new dance style when compared to break dancing, popping, ballet and contemporary. And just like the other dances style I mentioned, it has its own culture, set of rules, foundation and its the most aggressive dance style of them all. If you have not seen Krump before, it can be a little intimidating at first. Some of the most fundamental basics include arm swinging, jabbing stomping, and hopping. On top of that, it has a lot of raw energy and it is very expressive. Some friends who have watched me perform have told me that when I dance, I seem to be fighting against something, angry, releasing stress, or extremely comfortable, relaxed and happy.

Krump originated in California in the early 00's. The creative pioneers are Ceasare Willis aka "Tight Eyez" and Jo-Artist Ratis aka "Mijo" and you can find them all over YouTube in battles, sessions, and showcases, major events. It was heavily influenced by hip-hop and New York culture.

-- Tight Eyez & Mijo Showcase --

Krump is becoming more mainstream and it's made its way to performance with famous artist such as .......Beyonce (need I list more?); < --

TV shows ranging from a BET audience to those sketchy Judge shows, and EVERYTHING in between!

[-- History Lesson Over, Back to KOT --]

The night before the actual event, I took a master workshop with Beast. It was non-stop-all-out dancing for the longest, most tiring four hours ever! And I only took one out of the two the workshops that day. I imagine that it must of have felt like an eternity for the ones who took them both.

Besides sharpening my dance skills in the workshop, I particularly loved the history lesson Beast shared with us. He reminded us that before there were even Krump basics, the creators, Tight Eyez, and Mijo, simply danced as they felt without any real direction because, for the creators, it was a way to release the negative energy from their tough environment in Cali.

The history lesson made me reminisce my high school days when I also used Krump as a way to escape the madness of my surroundings. I danced for any reason. If I was happy or sad? Dance. Celebrating or facing harsh trials? Dance. However, somewhere along the way, I lost my passion for dance and put dance on a complete pause. And to be honest, since I’ve stopped, I felt that I placed a limit on my creative side and the ability to express myself.

The next day, I joined the KOT tournament. I told myself that if I win it, it would because I was having fun expressing myself, just like I use to before.

Unfortunately, I did not win. I made it to the semi-finals, and that, to me, was good enough!

[-- FOOTAGE --]

My Recent Battle at The East Sessions, MA

Beast and Twinn Beast Showcase at KOT 2k18

Triggerz Vs TriX

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